Shift your manifesting into high gear with these recorded audio loops!

Connect with the power of your subconscious with these audio loops!

These audio recordings of my Anchors can be played while you meditate,
work and even while you sleep!


Each clearing loop package comes with:
A PDF file of the Anchors in the package
An MP3 file with the Anchors 
& An MP3 file with the Anchors with the clearing statements.

I’m Jillian Schleger

I’m the creator of CRM

CRM is Coherence Resonance Mapping, it’s a healing system I created after spending 30 years drowning underneath subconscious programming and blocks telling me that I wasn’t good enough, smart enough or ‘with it’ enough to have, do or be what I wanted in my life.

Anchors are part of CRM.  They are words you repeat as your ‘wand’ to create the change you’d like to see in your world.

I invite you to try these Anchor Packages, they very well could be the key to the change you’ve been looking for.

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