Morning Mantras for Allowing

Begin to consciously create with mantras focused on empowering you – the BOSS.

These are your sneak peek of the first 5 mantras for allowing change in your life and business!

Is this really enough for me?

What if you could pull the success you desire to you, for you, for your business and for your life?

Ask and you shall receive.

Questions invite opportunity for change, expansion and alignment.

Sitting in the energy of opportunity feels more expansive than expecting things to be the same.

Morning Mantras for Allowing gives you 50 questions to use as invitations for the Universe to show you more.

Ask and allow the change to come to you.

Can it be that easy? It can be if you allow it.

How do you feel about money?  How do you feel about wealth?

How does thinking about your bank account make you feel?

Our body keeps our money trauma as memory!

But this can be tested and released so that we can create

a new money story!

We can create a prosperous reality!

Enjoy this workbook which outlines what the body is trying to

tell you about your money story!

Here’s to a prosperous future!!

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